Our Structure

Our structure   

Colyton Grammar School is a single academy trust. The Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company Number: 07445493) .  The Trust has three Members.  The Trustees are the registered Directors of the trust and must ensure that the school is run in accordance with its Memorandum and Articles of Association.   

The role of the Members of the Academy Trust Company  

Members have a limited but distinct role. They are the guardians of the Trust with responsibility for ensuring that the Trust fulfils its charitable function of providing effective educational provision. Members are responsible for approving the appointment of new Trustees and the removal of Trustees. As part of its oversight the Members’ group receives a copy of the Annual Accounts and appoints the External Auditors. Where, in exceptional circumstances, a Board is failing to fulfil its function Members may direct or even dismiss a Board. The Members must hold a an Annual General Meeting; this is usually held in January.  Meet the Members.  

The role and structure of the Board of Trustees  

The Board of Trustees is responsible for developing and overseeing the strategic direction of the school. The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for:  

  • ensuring the quality of education;  

  • ensuring high performance of the school in all areas;   

  • ensuring good financial health and probity; and   

  • supporting the school with management of staff.  

The running and management of the school is done by the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.  The Board’s role is to provide effective challenge and support to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team to ensure excellence in all areas of the Colyton Grammar School.     

The Board of Trustees consists of the Headteacher together with a number of other trustees, two are elected from the parent body and others are appointed by Trustees - the Members ratify their appointment.  You can find further information about our Trustees’ here.  

The Board is led by the Chair, Mr Paul Bailey who is supported by Mr Barry Sindall, the Vice Chair.  Trustees come from a wide range of backgrounds and are chosen to ensure a balance of skills across the Board. Trustees are generally in post for four years with the option to be reappointed for a further four years. The combination of experienced Trustees and new recruits ensures both continuity and a fresh approach.  

The Board has meetings every half term in which the strategic work of the Board takes place.  You can see a register of attendance at Board meetings here. The Board of Trustee has appointed a Governance Officer, Janet Carey, who assists with ensuring compliance with all governance and educational matters.   The Board's Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation defines the areas of responsibilities for the Board and the areas that have been delegated to its committees. 

The Board has appointed five sub Committees that oversee the strategic direction of the school.  These committees are Admissions, Remuneration, Resources, Audit and Risk and Education.  The Board has delegated some of its powers to the Committees and these can be found in our Scheme of Delegation.    

The Remuneration Committee has responsibility for overseeing and approving teaching and support staff pay progression.  The committee meets annually, normally in November.  The committee has powers to act on behalf of the Board in accordance with its Terms of Reference.   

The Audit and Risk Committee has responsibility in overseeing the adequacy and effectiveness of the Trust’s internal controls, risk management, governance and value for money systems and frameworks. The committee has powers to act on behalf of the Board in accordance with its Terms of Reference and the Board's Scheme of Delegation.  

The Resources Commitee monitors and ensures the adequacy and effectiveness of all matters relating to finance, estates, IT catering and HR. The committee has powers to act on behalf of the Board in accordance with its Terms of Reference and the Board's Scheme of Delegation.  

The Education Committee has responsibility for ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of all matters and responsibilities for the educational performance of CGS and its students in the context of the agreed board strategy.  The committee meets every half term and reports back to the Board.  The committee has powers to act on behalf of the Board in accordance with the Board's Scheme of Delegation and its Terms of Reference.  

The Admissions Committee has responsibility for overseeing and ensuring that the school's admissions policies are fairly and consistently applied.  The committee has powers to act on behalf of the Board of Trustees in accordance with its Terms of Reference and the Board's Scheme of Delegation.   

The Board and Executive meetings are clerked by our Governance Officer and the minutes of the meetings can be requested by sending Mrs Carey an email.  

Trustee Development Board  

This is led by Trustee Paul Bailey and is a working group of the Board that supports the Head of Development in raising funds for projects within the school.   

Link Trustees  

Linked Trustees assists the Board and its Committees in strengthening relationships with the Senior Leadership Team and by providing opportunities to develop and maintain strategic oversight of the school’s ethos, values, policies and practices in agreed areas.   

Linked Trustees also provides the senior leadership scheme with a ‘mentor’ who can provide support by acting as a critical friend with regards to certain topics and/ or projects.  The main functions of the Linked Trustees Scheme are:  

  • To provide a Trustee Lead on any agenda item that is relevant to their topic    

  • To offer Senior Leaders expertise and act as critical friend in respect of their topic   

  • To liaise with Senior Leaders and support the school in understanding the range of evidence and KPIs that Trustees require to evaluate their topic    

  • To act as a point of contact and as link to the Board on matters relating to their topic   

  • To contribute to the Trustee Work Plan and KPIs in respect of their topic and School Improvement Plan  

  • To work in conjunction with the Governance Officer to inform Trustees about matters of compliance and accountability in respect of their topic   

Our link Trustees are:  

  • Safeguarding and SEN: Mrs Weston  
  • Careers: Professor Freathy  
  • Health and Safety: Dr Phillips  
  • Fundraising: Mr Bailey  
  • Teaching School Hub: Mr Sindall  

Key Governance documents can be found here